Laugh, Learn & Lift Team Building


Culinary - Team Building Activities

Culinary Team Building

Below are Team Higher Ground's most sought after Culinary Team Building Activities! No matter What Time of Day - Morning to Late Evening - You’re Looking for an Exciting and Colourful Food-Related Team Building Experience, Team Higher Ground has you Covered! Indoors, Outdoors, even one with a Scavenger Hunt Included! Bon Appétit!


caring cook-off TEAM BUILDING

Caring Cook-Off! Create Meals to Enjoy & Share with the Local Homeless Community! Give Back to the Homeless!

hell’s kitchen TEAM BUILDING

Hell’s Kitchen is our Client’s All-Time Favourite Culinary Team Building Event! Win the Most Loyal Customers!

gourmet-to-go TEAM BUILDING

Gourmet-To-Go Team Building! Part “Amazing Race” and Part “Iron Chef” it’s a High-Energy Culinary Competition!


Earn your Materials from the Cake Shop then Design, Decorate, and Deliver your Award-Winning Cakes!

chocolate factory

Chocolate Factory is a Sweet Treat of a Team Challenge! Create One-of-a-Kind, Fun & Edible Confectionaries!

tailgate party TEAM BUILDING

Tailgate Party Team Building Includes Sports-Based Fun Games and has an Option to Include Food Too!

sangria sip-off TEAM BUILDING

Sangria Sip-Off! Start a Winery, Build Unique Sangria Brand & Product, Pitch Your Sangria before Tastings!


Eggcellent Cook-Off Team Building! Because Breakfast is the Most Important ‘Team Building’ Meal of the Day!

innit 2 winnit TEAM BUILDING

Innit 2 Winnit Team Building! Many, Many Food Related Games Available in this 60-Second Team Competition!



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