Laugh, Learn & Lift Team Building

The Big Give

The Big Give - Team Building Activities

The Big Give Team Building

An “Amazing-Race” Style Team building Event that Really Gives Back!


the big give - Team Building Activities - Overview

Is your organization looking for an exciting way to bring your highest values and corporate social responsibility efforts to life? If so, Team Higher Ground’s The Big Give Team Building is the rewarding and meaningful shared experience your Team is looking for! After opening ceremonies, Teams are provided with everything they need (minus the creativity and team spirit - that's your part) to discover their local environment by finding a series of Big Give check-points. At each check-point the Teams complete a challenge that allows them to raise funds through interaction with the public. The goal of The Big Give is to be 'The Biggest Giver' - the Team that raises the most money for the Charity of your choice! This exiting Charitable (Give Back Style) Team Building experience allows you to 1/build your team relationships, 2/discover your host environment in a fun and novel way, and 3/support a good cause. Team Higher Ground’s The Big Give is Win, Win, Win!


The Big Give team-building event is CSR on steroids. The balance of fun exploration of the city, teamwork and charity was extraordinary value!
— M.K. Acting Vice President, Procurement



Anywhere You’re Gathering, THG Can Be There Too!


2 to 3 Hours (Shorter Duration on Request)!


Indoor: Anytime
Outdoor: Spring, Summer, Fall


30 - 3,000 Planned Participants