Tu Casa Mi Casa Adventure-Learning Program
REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR Communications and Real-World Results!
Let’s Get Started!
TU CASA MI CASA - Adventure Learning Program - Overview
The art of influencing others requires you to step into another person's Frame of Reference. It sounds easy enough, sure, but how often during a conversation (especially when emotions may be running ‘high’) do you actually find yourself actively listening to the other person’s words and invested in really understanding their viewpoint? Right! Almost always, if we’re aware at all, we’re already formulating our own interpretations and preparing to provide our perspective. Of course, of two (or more) people are both primarily ‘self-invested’ during conversations, it’s hardly surprising no real exchange of ideas takes place.
Tu Casa, Mi Casa explores communication challenges and solutions. The program equips participants with the influencing and communication skills and tools they need to be more effective in creating better outcomes and better relationships with customers, employees and peers. Tu Casa, Mi Casa allows participants to gain the skills necessary to “get on the same page” with others, more quickly and with less friction, even with those whose viewpoints differ significantly from their own. Participants learn how to influence others while leaving others feeling understood and valued.
Use Tu Casa Mi Casa in situations where a person's productivity relies on their ability to influence or ‘get into each other’s house!’! In Tu Casa Mi Casa participants will learn how to:
Communicate effectively
Influence others
Use common language
Check for understanding
Get into another's frame of reference
Manage others' emotions more effectively
Probe for clarity
Communicate the big picture
Use language that others understand
All experiences are universally accessible regardless of personality type or physical fitness and are designed to ensure everyone participates fully! Unlike our Team-Building programs, in Adventure-Learning we 'process' the insights immediately after each activity so we can continually apply the insights the participants are experiencing to their greatest challenges and aspirations.
One other unique feature of our Adventure-Learning process is that we do not create 'in-tact' teams for the duration of the event. Instead, we arrange and rearrange the group into ever-changing teams as small as pairs and as large as the whole group! This approach optimizes interaction between all the participants and broadens and deepens the learning by tapping into the unique insights and diversity of your group dynamics!
“We found ‘Tu Casa, Mi Casa’ to be of such immediate and significant value that we made the program available to our leaders across the globe!”
Anywhere You’re Gathering, THG Can Be There Too!
3 to 4 Hours (Shorter Duration on Request)!
Indoor: Anytime
Outdoor: Spring, Summer, Fall
30 - 3,000 Planned Participants