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Big Ideas about Team Building (& Life)!

Why Team Building Activities Work!

For most businesses, its employees are the lifeblood of success or failure. Which is why having a co-operative group of individuals that can work well together in a team is crucial to the success of a business. Easier said than done, right?

To establish an innovative team within a business, it requires the promotion of a company culture that encourages inventiveness and creativity. For anyone that has led a team, it’s apparent one of the most demanding aspects of the role is how to keep all team members happy and working on the same page as a cohesive unit. That’s where team building activities come in.

To develop a workplace environment that works together effectively, use team building activities as a way of turbo-charging your people and relationships. Depending on your goals, Team Higher Ground has 8 categories of team building activities that will help you choose the best option for your team!

For a high-impact experience, clients are showing a keen interest in selecting team building activities that are not only stimulating and unforgettable for those involved, but in many cases have a broader positive impact on the communities where they do business! Team Higher Ground’s “Give Back” or charitable team building activities are a perfect choice if you’re looking to create a positive experience for both your people and your community!

To get the most value out of a team building experience, an activity should be chosen that will be enjoyed by everyone! In other words, it’s beneficial to think about your group demographics and select a team building activity that is universally accessible and engaging regardless of physical ability or personality types. Including everybody will ensure the positive emotions from the experience will improve the working and personal relationships between all the individuals that participated when they go back into the workplace. A better-connected team in turn will lead to a more productive workforce.

Often team building activities are competitive in their nature. Healthy competition is key in driving your team and business success. A collective of individuals with a competitive mentality striving to achieve a shared goal together - to be the best in the industry - can prove very effective in helping a company grow. Further, a unified and competitive team helps cultivate a business culture that is constantly innovating. Having a team that works well together, shares ideas openly and leverages the insights and diversity of the team, will help build a business that stays ahead of the curve and in front of its competitors.

To establish an innovative team within a business, it requires the promotion of a company culture that encourages inventiveness and creativity both from an individual level and also within a collaborative team perspective to channel these ideas together into an actionable plan.

Team building activities can help support the enhancement teamwork, innovation, competitiveness and ultimately your business’s success!